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Toate traducerile - denishuaman

Limba sursă
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Limba sursă
Limba latină Artaxerses in posterum diem paratum esse...
Artaxerses in posterum diem paratum esse exercitum iubet, recogniturus et numerum militum et un armis industriam singulorum.

Traduceri completate
Italiană Artaserse
Limba sursă
Engleză no so quel che mi succede quando sono insieme a...
I don't know what happens to me when I am beside you
your smile hypnotizes me
your glance yields to me
and there's nothing inside me
I melt like snow when the sun is near
[and when we go somewhere I never choose] because the only thing I want is to stay with you
My life revolves around you because there's something in your face and inside you that I like
it attracts me and it steals my heart
I just edited this, and I had to change quite a bit. But there's one phrase I still can't figure out: "and when we go somewhere I never choose" - so I put it in brackets, but my guess is that it means "I never choose to go anywhere with you" - that would make sense in the context of the rest of the line. But I don't understand why the requester didn't submit it in his/her own language - the English was quite difficult to fix. -- kafetzou

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Ucrainiană I don't know what happen